Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I'm sorry, this post is going to be only in Finnish. The article behind the link tells a story about a potential mass murderer and I just wanted to post it due to sad events in Hyvinkää, Finland (two people killed and seven injured... some permanently and one victim is still in critical condition).

Luin juuri kiinnostavan jutun Suomen Kuvalehdestä. Suosittelen tätä kaikille, etenkin niille joiden elämää koulu- tai työpaikkakiusaaminen on koskettanut. Ja etenkin Hyvinkään surullisten tapahtumien vuoksi...


  1. I heard about it on the news. I'ts really so damn sad. We had a horrible crime about 15 years ago when a drunk lunatic who worked at the military base shoot down 7 girls and a guy, just because he was refused by his girlfriend :/

    Hugs /Therese

  2. These types of things always are... :( Of course this is probably nothing compared to Utöja... but still. In Finland government just cut the budget from mental health sector so... do the math people. :/
