Friday, January 7, 2011

The sandman stood me up.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I don't know why, I just couldn't. Anyway, in the morning I went to school and I was a bit hyper. Now, 12 hours (including some schoolwork, a long grocery shopping trip and some sewing) later, I feel exhausted. But as I said, I managed to sew a bit! This time I decided to modify one old Living Dead Souls top of mine (the one with no sleeves, a hood, skeleton print and attachable fishnet shirt with harness, I could't find a picture from the internet and forgot to take one) and fix a pair of fake leather pants that I bought from the nearby flea market earlier this week (they cost only 1 euro). You see, the top had some popper buttons, because of the attachable fishnet shirt and I was allergic to the nickel in them... So I removed the popper parts from the shoulders, removed the hood, widened the neckline and took the top in a bit and voilà! Here's the result.

And about the pants... I mentioned that they were very, very cheap. We'll they were in a pretty bad shape. Someone had tried to take them in by hand and the work was... poor. So I took them in again, this time by machine. I also turned around the ends of the legs and removed the ugly belt holders (one had already almost fallen off). Here's a picture of the pants also.

I must say I quite like the result. Also, when I went to shop some groceries I stopped by at Seppälä and bought to pairs of black lace panties, 2 euros each. So, today's improvement is pretty much just my ever growing wardrobe. :D Well, I did manage to take some pretty good photographs on our photography course at school earlier this week (and I usually don't), so I guess that counts as achievement. :) And yeah, the diet is still doing well, I should probably weight myself this weekend. :) So that's it for this pretty tiresome day, nighty night!

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