Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dead and buried

Ladies and Gentleman! May I present to you... dead things in London! And some other curiosities as well. We spent one day in London visiting different museums and I definitely loved that! Even as a child I always wanted to go to the Finnish Natural History Museum whenever we were in Helsinki. The two-headed calf was my absolute favorite. ;) The museums in London were free too, so if you ever visit London I suggest you skip the Tussaud's and the Tower, save your money for food/drink and shopping and go see the London's finest dead and buried!

Anyway, I took a shitload of pictures but in most of them there's some kid photobombing the image since apparently people of London considered us a curiosity as well... ù_ú; Oh well, I'll post some (way too many still...) anyway, starting from the Science Museum.

We stopped by the Science Museum just really quickly, but it was full of wonders and you could easily spent half a day there. The lighting was poor though and my crappy camera said no can do so only a few pictures from there.

Next stop was Natural History Museum, which was right next to the Science Museum. It was really cool except for the fact that the area containing taxidermy was full of kids running around, pulling your clothes, photobombing pictures and their parents asking if they could take pictures with us... so pretty exhausting, though the animals were amazingly cute!

I had never seen a dodo before I think, so adorable things! Also, the dinosaurs and other prehistorical creatures blow your mind with their size and all! No wonder Jurassic Park used to be one of my favorite movies as a child!

Imagine my face when I found a container filled with bats! Some of them were huge! Pure love. <3

My favorite thing in the whole museum however was the "jar department". All kinds of things preserved in glass jars. Just look at them! Mr. Wolf was quite dumbstruck when I was running around squealing happily and taking pictures. :D He doesn't really share my enthusiasm in this... xD

By the end of the tour we were quite tired already but I took a couple of more pictures. Then we went to get drinks in some pub and continued to our final destination, the British Museum.

The British Museum is wonderful even as just a building. It really takes your breath away, I can assure you. And you could easily spend the whole day there. We didn't have that much time so we went for the things that interested us the most: the mummies and other historical relics.

It still amazes me how well a human body can be preserved if the conditions are right. I swear some of those mummies could have just been very thin people sleeping...

I had never seen a mummified cat before! The position is very odd... so human-like. o_o

Even though I loved the mummies best the museum is packed with relics, such as swords, jewellery and art. I highly recommend this place for basically anyone, but especially those interested in history of humans.

The rest of our vacation consisted of eating, drinking and shopping. :3 Unfortunately, I still haven't got pictures of the stuff we bought... I'll try to ask Wolf if he has time to take some tomorrow but we'll see, since time is very limited due to the short period of sunlight... :< Anyway, I hope these previous posts have inspired some of you to visit this wondrous city!


  1. Fantastic pictures! I love Natural History museums! :D

  2. Ihania kuvia! :O Hitsi, mie haluisin nähhä joskus myös muumioita ja muuta Egyptin historiaan liittyvää! ♥ Ylipäänsä Egyptin historia on kiinnostanut niin kauan, että tuollainen paikka ois aika unelma- matkakohde. :)

    1. Itse haluaisin vielä joskus käydä Berliinin egyptiläisessä museossa. :) Sieltä löytyy ainakin ihana Nefertiti ja vaikka mitä! <3

  3. Oij, miten upea paikka! Kaikki nuo dinosaurusten luurangot, olisi niin upeata päästä kattomaan niitä läheltä. Nyt iski paha museokuume tästä postauksesta :)

    1. Lontoota voi kyllä suositella matkakohteeksi museoista kiinnostuneelle! :)

  4. Näyttääpä kyllä tosi kiinnostavalta museolta. Pitää laittaa korvan taakse, jos joskus eksyy Lontooseen. Hienoja kuvia oot ottanu. :)

  5. Ilmaisia museoita! :o Olin vähän järkyttynyt, kun kävin välipäivinä ensimmäistä kertaa täysi-ikäisenä Ateneumissa (nuorempana etelässä asuessa siellä kävi tosin parikin kertaa vuodessa) ja opiskelijalta lysti maksoi 13 e muistaakseni.

    1. Hui apua! Kamalaa riistoa. :( En uskalla kuvitella mitä käynti maksaa tavan "aikuiselle"... *puistatus*
