Monday, December 17, 2012

London calling

I'm a little bit bored right now (I'm not sure if I have had time to be bored in months!) so I think I'm going to do the first post about our trip to London!

So, we were in London during our autumn break. We stayed there from Monday to Friday, in a cozy little room I rented for us. The apartment was located in East London, nearest tube station being East Ham. The room was pretty cheap, and we also got to to use a nice spacious kitchen and a bath tub! I think I took a bath every day while we were there. :D Here's a couple of photos from our room.

We flew to London from Tampere, with Ryanair. When we got there the first thing we did after dropping our luggage to the apartment we went to find something to eat! We chose just some pub that came across and served food. Wolf had a burger and chips and I had some meat & kidney pie with veggies and mashed potato. The food was great but I think the best thing I has was the drink: Bulmers berry cider. Amazing! Too bad I haven't found that anywhere here in Finland. :< Below a picture a nice waitress took of us and another of our foods. :3

Next day we wanted to go see the famous Camden Town! We walked to the station and took a tube. We bought Oyster Cards so after that it was free for us to take a tube or a bus, very handy! Below a photo of Wolf standing in front of our apartment. :)

We did some shopping in Camden Market, took photos and had something to eat and drink. We ate full English breakfasts and they were awesome! We had them in a pub called Elephant's Head, I can totally recommend that place. :) Camden turned out to be quite beautiful place as you can see.

I'm so in love with English pubs, just look at the lovely Victorian decor! These pictures below were taken in a pub called World's End, but we also visited the legendary goth pub Hobgoblin. Gotta love the Dj there, most sympathetic old punk I've ever seen! :D

Wolf found this amazing lace shirt from some shop in Camden Market. I'm going to do a separate post about the things we bought during our trip but here's a little sneak peek anyway. :D

American Apparel had an amazing window in their shop! I was stunned!

From Camden we went to see the Highgate Cemetery, but I'll do the next post about that little trip! I still have a couple of random pictures from our trip that really don't fit anywhere so I'll just dump them here. :D So below a view from "our" street and after that some pics I took from the plane window on our way back to Finland. :)

As said before, the next post will be about our trip to Highgate Cemetery. Then I will do one with all the museums we visited and after that hopefully the shopping post if I got time to take some pictures of the stuff we bought. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Black lace on sweat

Hello everyone. I am truly sorry for the long pause in blogging. I have been working on my thesis and a few other projects and those have consumed pretty much all my time. I think even Mr. Wolf misses my presence a bit, since staring at the screen and constantly working isn't very social or attentive... So please, forgive my absence. Tomorrow I will start my Christmas holiday and hopefully I will find more time for blogging during my break. At least today I made a new layout, yaaay. :3

Anyway, the real reason for posting tonight is that I will be making some changes considering this blog. It makes me really sad that every time I think about this blog the first thing that comes to mind is: "Damn I haven't updated in ages!!" One of the reasons is that usually it takes me easily an hour to write a post, since I have been using two languages. I have thought about this long and hard and decided that from now on I will only post in English. It's a hard choice but most of you understand English well enough, since mine isn't that complicated. However, if you have questions, comments or what ever you are most welcome to post in Finnish and I will also answer in Finnish. I apologize for this decision for those who don't read English well, but this blog is supposed to be enjoyment for me, not a burden. Thank you for understanding.

To cheer you up, however, I will finally post some of the Zombie Pin-Up pictures and also babble a little about the project in general. :) So the story goes that last spring some people from my school were looking for models for a zombie pin-up calendar. Naturally I applied and I was welcomed aboard. My photo shoot was the very first one and it took place deep in the countryside, in some shed with actual living sheep baaaaaing right next to me. :D I was supposed to be a victim of some zombie virus, dumped in some ditch in a black garbage back, haha! So I made my outfit with some garbage bags and one of the photographers, Minna Koivumaa made me this amazing zombie make-up! The shoot itself went very well, but the weather was awful and really cold and I got very sick afterwards.

After are the shoots were done we had an after party for this project and I befriended many of the models. Quite many of us were also interested in burlesque, so we decided to form our own little burlesque group! Our group is called: Madam Hardware and the Kinky Carnival and just a little while ago we actually had our first show! We are currently planning on another one, hopefully it will take place in January. But now, time for pictures (all of them shot by Minna Koivumaa and Katariina Ruotsalainen, Photoshopped by me).

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I walked with a zombie!

Yay, finally weekend! I've been meaning to post about the IIK!!-festival whole week but it has been way too busy week for blogging. :P Anyway, the festival went really well, I sold tickets, t-shirts and such and after my shift got to go see the movies myself. Of the movies I saw my favorite was The Game Of Werewolves, although I liked REC 3 and Excision a lot too. :) Today we had the festival after party, so we ate at a pancake restaurant, had cocktails and pints and I really had a good time. Thanks, everyone! And see you next year. ;)

Jeiii viimeinkin viikonloppu! Olen aikonut koko viikon tehdä postauksen koskien IIK!!-festareita mutta on ollut ihan liian kiire bloggailuun. :P Joka tapauksessa: festarit menivät hyvin, myin siellä siis lippuja, t-paitoja ja sen sellaista ja työvuorojeni jälkeen sain siis katsella itsekin leffoja. Leffoista joita ehdin katsomaan suosikikseni nousi Game Of Werewolves, mutta tykkäsin paljon myös REC 3:sta ja Excisionista. :) Tänään oli festareiden karonkka ja käytiin porukalla syömässä Pannukakkutalossa ja myöhemmin vielä cocktaileilla ja tuopillisilla. Koko juttu oli mahtava kokemus, kiitos kaikille osallisille! Ensi vuonna uudelleen. ;)

Also last Wednesday another project got wrapped up. The project started last spring and it's called Zombie Pin-Up! Basically it was a series of photos of zombie pin up girls. So last Wednesday we had the photo exhibition and well... something else too. During the project some of us started our very own teeny tiny burlesque group and we also had our debut along with the exhibition! I'm going to post more specifically about the project later, but now, since it sort of fits the theme I'm going to post some pictures of the last local Zombie Walk event. :) It's been way too long since the event anyway... xD

Viime keskiviikkona tuli päätökseensä myös toinen projekti, jota ollaan tehty viime keväästä saakka. Projekti kantaa nimeä Zombie Pin-Up ja kyseessä on siis valokuvanäyttely zombiutuneista pin-up-tytöistä. Keskiviikkona oli siis näyttely ja vähän muutakin ohjelmaa... projektin aikana kyhättiin kasaan nimittäin myös pienimuotoinen burleskiryhmä ja näyttelyn lisäohjelmana esiinnyttiinkin sitten ensimmäistä kertaa! Teen vielä huomattavasti laajemman postauksen tuosta projektista kun minulla on aikaa mutta tällä kertaa läväytän loppuun vain julkaisemattomia kuvia viimeisimmästä Zombie Walkista, koska sopivat jokseenkin teemaan ja nämä olisi pitänyt julkaista jo kauan sitten... xD

© Juha Heimovirta

© Juha Heimovirta

© Juha-Pekka Maaninen

© Juha-Pekka Maaninen

© Juha-Pekka Maaninen

© Claudia Costa

© Joona Leinonen
Have you readers ever participated on a Zombie Walk event? For me this was the third year in a row and I'm totally hooked. :D

Oletteko te lukijat muuten osallistuneet Zombie Walkkeihin? Itselleni tämä on kolmas vuosi putkeen ja olen ihan koukussa. :D

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Hiya! I have an announcement to make! Next weekend (9.–11.11.12) I'll be working on a local horror movie festival called IIK!! :)

Heissan! Ilmoitusluontoista asiaa! Ensi viikonloppuna  (9.–11.11.12) työskentelen paikalisilla kauhuelokuvafestareilla joita myös IIK!!iksi kutsutaan. :)

This year we have a very good set of movies, including: REC 3 Genesis, The Phantom of the Paradise, The Phantom of the Opera, Excision and Game of Werewolves, just to mention a few. All the movies we'll be showing can be checked out from here. The festival locates in community hall of Ii and if you want to come to check out the movies, you can get tickets from here. :)

Tänä vuonna on ihan timanttinen ohjelmisto, tarjolla mm. REC 3 Genesis, The Phantom of the Paradise, The Phantom of the Opera, Excision ja Game of Werewolves noin muutamia mainitakseni. Koko ohjelmiston pääsee näkemään täältä. Festarit järjestetään Iin (t)yöväentalolla ja jos kiinnostaa liittyä seuraan niin lippuja saa mm. täältä . :)

And now, some sneak peeks. ;)

Rec 3 Genesis
Rec 3 Genesis



Game of Werewolves

Game of Werewolves

Phantom of the Opera

So! Be there or be square!

Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm a Coffinshaker!

Phewwwwww! My autumn break is about to end and I need to get back to my normal life. I took a trip to London this autumn with dear Mr. Wolf and I'll post a fuckload of pictures of our trip when I have time... but before that I have a couple of other posts in line. The most important I think is the project that I did with my photographer friend Pauli Tavasti and lovely Neeppu. The project is called the Finnish Hearse Girls and me, Neeppu, Pauli and Vesa Palolahti with his wonderful hearse were the "team North" of the project. ;) Behind the project in itself was Maria Furtenbach.

Huuuuuuuh! Syysloma on päättymäisillään ja paluu arkeen odottaa kulman takana. Syyslomalla otettiin Susihukan kanssa pikku visiitti Lontooseen ja siitä tulossa vitullinen läjä kuvia kun saan aikaiseksi valikoida/käsitellä ne... mutta ennen sitä mulla on ollut pari juttua jonossa, joista tärkeimpänä varmastikin projekti, jota puuhailin valokuvaajakaverini Pauli Tavastin ja ihanan Neepun kanssa. Projekti kantaa nimeä the Finnish Hearse Girls ja allekirjoittanut, Neeppu, Pauli ja Vesa Palolahti upeini autoineen oltiin projektin pohjoinen tiimi. ;) Koko projektin takana oli Maria Furtenbach.

I am so happy that I got to be part of this project, since I have a huge thing for hearses! Gahhhhh I would love to have one for our wedding let alone to own one! *droooooooools*

Olen ihan intopinkeenä että sain olla osa tätä projektia koska mulla on todellakin ISO juttu ruumisautoihin! Gahhhhhh olisin niin onnellinen jos saisin hääautoksi sellaisen, puhumattakaan ikiomasta kalmakärrystä! *kuolaaaaaaaaaa*

But yeah, the pictures! By the way, besides modelling I also did the Photoshopping so it was actually useful project considering my studies. :3

Mutta tosiaan, kuvia! MAlleilun lisäksi tein muuten myös Photoshoppaukset näihin kuviin eli koulunkin kannalta projekti oli ihan hyödyllinen mulle. :3

Lovely Neeppu here. <3 

And then me... :3

And Neeppu again. <3

And then both!

Also, while I was in London, this happened:

So happy. :'3 But yeah, since there is a hundred of you already please tell me what you would like to read about, see pictures and so on. Or well, all suggestions are welcome and feedback in general would be super. >;) <3

Oon niin onnellinen. :'3 Mutta juu, teitä on tosiaan siunaantunut satakunta, joten kertokaahan tällä haavaa mitä toivoisitte tältä blogilta. Mitä haluaisitte lukea, entä millaisia kuvia kaipaatte... Oikeastaan kaikki mielipiteet ja ehdotukset ovat toivottuja. >;) <3

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Bootylicious vinyl coming

A while ago me and my photographer friend Pauli went to take some pictures to the nearby park, just for fun plus to practice for a bigger shoot in near future. The weather was awful, wind and rain and shit cold but the pictures turned out so great anyway so I'll just drop them here. :3

Jokin aika sitten päätettiin valokuvaajaystäväni Paulin kanssa piipahtaa lähipuistoon kuvailemaan sekä huvin vuoksi, että myös treeniksi lähestyvää isompaa projektia varten. Sää oli ihan hirveä, satoi, tuuli ja oli tosi kylmä mutta kuvat onnistuivat kuitenkin hyvin joten ajattelin tiputtaa ne tännekin. :3

I have been quite stressed lately. I've started to work on my thesis, I have several other ongoing projects such as poster -, invitation -, and patch designing, tattoo drawing, burlesque dancing, some modelling and Photoshopping, festival arranging, plus school and my night job as a cleaning lady... so not much free time. :( Luckily I really enjoy every project I have so it's all good, I just wish I had more time for my hobbies and other not so serious stuff. :) A good thing about these project is however the fact that I'll have more interesting stuff to blog about. :D How about you readers, have you had a busy autumn? :)

Olen ollut aika stressaantunut viime aikoina. Aloittelen tässä oppariani ja sen lisäksi minulla on muitankin rautoja tulessa, mm. juliste-, kutsukortti- ja halarimerkkisuunnittelua, tatskan piirrustelua, burleskitanssia, malleilujuttuja ja kuvien jälkikäsittelyä Photarissa, festareidän järkkäilyä plus toki normikoulu ja yötyö siivoojana... joten vapaa-aikaa ei juurikaan ole. :( Onneksi jokainen projekti jonka olen onnistunut haalimaan on tosi kiinnostava ja mukava, joten kaikki hyvin oikeastaan, olisi vain kiva kun jäisi aikaa myös esimerkiksi vähemmän vakavalle tekemiselle ja harrastuksillekin. :) Se hyvä puoli näissä projekteissa toki on että ompahan postausideoita kun olis vielä aikaa postata. :D Mites lukijoiden syksy on pyörähtänyt käyntiin? Tuli perseen alla vai lempeästi talveen laskeutuen? :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

We are but falling leaves

Today on our way to shop I had to admit that autumn is finally here. Trees seem to be getting naked faster than horny teenagers and that made me think of last summer. Although it wasn't as warm as I had hoped we had many, many fun days. <3

Tämänpäiväisellä kauppareissulla se oli myönnettävä; syksy on viimein täällä. Puut riisuutuvat ilkosilleen vauhdikkaammin kuin kiimaiset teinit ja se sai minut ajattelemaan mennyttä kesää. Vaikka viime kesä ei ollutkaan niin lämmin kuin olisin toivonut mahtui siihen paljon ihania päiviä. <3

In the beginning of the summer me and Wolf celebrated our anniversary and went to eat at a viking restaurant called Harald. The food was awesome and the evening all around romantic. <3 I can totally recommend the place! Later at home we watched a movie and had "some" fruits, chocolate and baguette for movie snacks. ;)

Kesän alussa juhlittiin Susihukan kanssa vuosipäivää ja käväistiin syömässä viikinkiravintola Haraldissa. Ruoka oli herkullista ja ilta kaikenkaikkiaan romanttinen. <3 Voin todellakin suositella paikkaa! Myöhemmin kotona katseltiin elokuvaa eväinä patonkia, suklaata ja "vähän" hedelmiä. ;)

Although I worked very much this summer and had to get up very early almost every day we managed to find time to meet some friends and have a few pints. :) That particular evening in the pictures I was wearing my purple Marlies Dekkers lingerie which Wolf bought me for our anniversary. <3

tein kesällä rutkasti töitä ja jouduin nousemaan aivan liian aikaisin lähes joka päivä ehdittiin silti käväistä muutamalla tuopposella tapaamassa ystäviä. :) Kuvissa näkyvänä iltana käytin muuten violetteja Marlies Dekkers -alusasuani jonka sain Susihukalta vuosipäivälahjaksi. <3

During summer we played lots and lots of games! We play Forgotten Realms pen & paper Dungeons and Dragons and Magic the Gathering rather actively nowadays. :) And eat. :D For some reason playing and eating go together seamlessly. ;) In the picture gluten free pancake, vanilla ice-cream and strawberries... oh and my character sheet!

Kesän aikana ehdittiin pelata paljon! Pelataan nykyään melko aktiivisesti Forgotten Realms pen & paper Dungeons and Dragonsia ja Magic the Gatheringiä. :) Ja syödään. :D Jostain syystä pelailu ja syöpöttely kuuluvat saumattomasti yhteen. ;) Kuvassa muuten gluteenitonta pannaria, vaniljajäätelöä ja mansikoita... niin ja mun hahmolomake!

We also had a few fun dates! This particular one in the pictures was a pretty random thing... we went to beach with some snacks and books, had huge ice cream dishes and later on went to see the latest Batman movie! Random, but super fun! I think it is very important to go to dates just for fun even when you have dated for years and years. <3

Käytiin myös muutamilla hauskoilla treffeillä! Kuvissa näkyvä reissu oli melko suunnittelematon... mentiin rannalle eväiden ja kirjojen kera, jättisuurille jäätelöannoksille ja katsastamaan uusin Batman! Randomia mutta sairaan hauskaa! Mun mielestä on tärkeää käydä silloin tällöin treffeillä vaikka olisi seurustellut jo monia vuosia. <3

One of the best things about the summer is our summer cottage. <3 And when the autumn presses on picking blueberries is a must and so is baking blueberry pie! This year I nearly ate myself out of the little blue devils. ;)

Yksi parhaista asioista kesässä on mökkeily ja syksyn lähestyessä mustikanpoiminta ja mustikkapiirakan leivonta! Tänä vuonna söin itseni melkein ulos noista sinisistä pikku pirulaisista. ;)

All in all I must say this was a fun and relaxing summer! I gained a bit weight though and got sleep deprived because of work but I totally had a blast and I regret nothing. <3 And since I didn't have an actual holiday during summer I booked flights to London for me and Wolf for autumn break. >:) Still one month to go though... can't wait! How about you, best readers? Did you have a holiday, work, any time off at all and most importantly fun during summer? :)

Ps. Oh, btw. I started this new project recently that required a stage name. I picked Batsinthe Belfry and since I liked it so much I decided to use it here as well. I also changed the look of the blog, please tell me what do you think of it! :)

Ps. Niin juu btw aloittelin hiljattain uutta projektia joka vaati taiteilijanimen. Päädyin nimeen Batsinthe Belfry ja koska tykkäsin siitä niin kovasti päätin ottaa sen käyttöön myös blogin puolella. Muutin myös vaihteen vuoksi blogin ulkoasua, mitä pidätte, arvon lukijat? :)